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Check Disk Usage on Linux

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    Trung Hieu

Checking Disk Usage on Linux

To check disk usage on a Linux system, you can use several commands depending on what information you need. Here are a few common commands:

1. Check Disk Usage of the Entire Filesystem

df -h

The df command reports file system disk space usage. The -h option makes the output human-readable, displaying sizes in KB, MB, or GB.

2. Check Disk Usage of a Specific Directory

du -sh /path/to/directory

The du command estimates file space usage. The -s option provides a summary of the disk usage for the directory. The -h option makes the output human-readable.

3. Check Disk Usage by Top Largest Files and Directories

du -ah /path/to/directory | sort -rh | head -n 10

This command lists the top 10 largest files and directories in the specified directory. The -a option includes files in the output, not just directories. The sort command sorts the output, and head limits the list to the top 10.

4. Check Inode Usage

df -i

The -i option with df shows inode usage, which is helpful if you are running out of inodes (the number of files) rather than disk space.